Here are some of the ways JFS currently serves the community:

Home, hospital, and hospice visits with seniors
Reassurance phone calls to seniors
Errand and chore services for seniors and clients with disabilities
Consultations focused on clients’ strengths and challenges
Referrals to relevant community resources
Client advocacy
Peer-led support group for caregivers
Annual fall-prevention class for seniors (co-sponsored by Aging and Long Term Care of Eastern WA)
Food assistance from the JFS food bank
Financial assistance for low-income clients who need help paying for rent, utility bills, or other basics
Transportation to medical appointments
Medical lending closet (wheelchairs, walkers, shower chairs, and canes)

Financial assistance to low-income clients:
JFS offers short-term, limited financial assistance to help mitigate the effects of an unexpected financial crisis, such as job loss, interruption in income, or unexpected expenses that threaten a household’s stability. We must carefully prioritize our provision of assistance due to limited funding. When we are unable to provide financial assistance, please consider calling Washington 211. You can dial 2-1-1 on your phone to seek alternative resources.

Senior services
Seniors benefit from our services and programs, whether that means socializing and learning at the monthly JFS Luncheon; borrowing a walker from our medical lending closet; getting a ride from JFS to a medical appointment or Jewish community event; or simply knowing they have an unbreakable link to a community that cares. Many of our senior clients do not live near family members who can provide support and care. JFS can be the connection between older adults and their distant families. We keep relatives informed about the health and well-being of their families and recommend plans for the future. Please contact us if you need help caring for someone you love.

SAJFS Major Service Statistics, 2019-24

Senior visits in personSenior phone visitsSenior contactsSenior service incidentsNon-senior service incidentsTotal service incidentsLbs. food distributedLuncheon attendanceVirtual program attendance