Luncheons take place at Temple Beth Shalom
from 12-1:30 p.m. unless otherwise noted.
Suggested donation for luncheons is $12/person.
No one is turned away for lack of funds.

Presentation on poetry writing by Kimberly Burnham, PhD
Kimberly Burnham is a true polymath. An integrative medicine practitioner, poet, memoirist, gardening enthusiast, and Jewish community member, she has been the featured speaker at two previous JFS Luncheons, in 2015 and 2019. This time she’ll discuss the art of poetry writing, with a special focus on poetry about trees in honor of Tu BiShvat.
Musical performance by Erik Contzius
Erik Contzius is a versatile baritone, a dynamic performer, a creative composer, and a cantor. He holds a Master of Sacred Music and Investiture as Cantor from Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music. Erik is an active barbershopper with the Lilac City Voices. Originally from the East Coast, he has made a home in Spokane.

Presentation by Dr. Victoria Harris: “Plants Are Like People”
Before she was a teenager in the last century, Victoria Harris was given Jerry Baker’s book Plants Are Like People by her grandfather. Even though they
were in different countries, cultures, and from different generations, somehow Grandpa Cliff could see his granddaughter. He knew the book would be seminal for her, despite the differences between them. Now a retired psychiatrist and a Master Gardener (Intern WSU, 2022), Dr. Harris will share some of her insights focused on people and plants living indoors in the Inland Northwest.