Questions? Contact SAJFS at 509-747-7394 or director@sajfs.org.

What is PJ Library?
PJ Library sends free, award-winning books that celebrate Jewish values and culture to families with children 6 months through 8 years old.
How do I sign up?
Signing up is free, easy, and takes less than 3 minutes. Join today!
Can older kids receive books?
Kids ages 9-12 can join PJ Our Way™ to choose their own free chapter books! Kids in both age groups? Sign up for both!

What is PJ Our Way?
PJ Our Way is an extension of the much-beloved PJ Library program for kids from 9 to 12 years old! Instead of having a predetermined book sent to them each month, PJOW kids can choose one of several monthly book options, so they can customize the program to their tastes!
Like PJ Library, PJOW is free to families, and PJ Library alumni (children who have aged out of PJ’s 0-8 age range) are highly encouraged to enroll! There’s currently no limit to how many kids the Inland Northwest can include in this program, so we’re very excited to present it to the community!
Click here for more information about PJOW!
PJ Library and PJ Our Way programs and subscriptions are brought to you by
the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, George Kohn (z”l),
and Spokane Area Jewish Family Services.